Monday, October 3, 2011

Caitlin Nicoll in the Spotlight

Today there is a little interview with me over at E.R. King's blog for Blogging Mentor Monday.  The thought of me as a Blogging Mentor when I still feel so new to this is a bit laughable, but I decided to play along anyway. It's my first interview which is very exciting.

To go along with that auspicious event, I've decided to post the very first interview I've given today. I really should have posted it earlier, but well, that's life. Here's Caitlin Nicoll of the blog Logically to answer my questions.

A "semi-accurate photo representation" of Caitlin.
1. Tell us a ridiculous story about yourself. (It doesn't have to be true.)

Back about maybe twelve years ago, I was watching TV with my mother (we had the strangest conversations in front of the TV), and she turned to me and said, "when I die, I want a Viking funeral." She then proceeded to tell me the exact plans she wanted; who was going to shoot the first arrow, where it was going to be located, and so on. At the time I just rolled my eyes and nodded, "Ok, mom." Then about four years ago, under cover of night, with the tide high and one of us on the lookout for staties, my family gave her a posthumous Viking funeral. We even had a teddy bear effigy with a skewer for a sword. After all, a viking needs his sword in Valhalla. Yea, Erik the Red would be proud.

That's very touching and very epic.

2. What genre do you write in and what is it that draws you to that genre?
I write fantasy and science fiction. I don't know what exactly it is that draws me to them. I think it's the chance to create new and amazing things--creatures, countries, cultures, myths, people. I like to create. the bigger, the better. that probably sounds like a weird answer.

Not at all! I suffer from the same urge to create.

3. Tell us a bit about the WIP you are most passionate about.
that would be my fantasy, the Lunatic Fire. Let's see, it has love, war, revenge, jealousy, death, epic battles, vengeful gods, godlike heroes, mortal heroes, fire demons, strange myths, sword fights, awesome powers... basically if the Iliad and the Lord of the Rings had a love child and that child reproduced with the Princess Bride, you would get the Lunatic Fire.

LOTR+Iliad+Princess Bride=Win

4. What's your favorite piece of writing advice?
Read, Read, and read.

Can't go wrong.

5. Traditional or Indie Publishing? And why?
Right now I'm still considering traditional, mostly because I don't really have time to do all the work required for a self-pubbed author to get my book out there. Plus there is an indescribable feeling about holding a physical copy of your work in your hands.

With your name in embossed letters. I agree.

6. Pantser or Plotter? And why?
I'm a little bit of both, but mostly I'm a panster. The majority of my pre-writing plotting is done in my head. I like to have a general idea of where I am going but I usually just let my creativity flow.

Sounds scary. ; )

7. What do you think your strongest writing skill is?
My imagination

Good answer!

8. And your weakest?

I sometimes have no patience for revision or editing. I would rather be doing other things. Oh look, that tree would make an awesome sketch. I feel the sudden urge to draw.

Your drawings are beautiful! Take a look at this example.
What Caitlin did with the paper she won in my giveaway.

9. Do you view writing as more of an art or a craft?
Art. I am an artist after all.

Good point. See above.

10. If Hollywood made a movie about your life, whom would you like to see play the lead role as you?
Elizabeth Taylor. Oh, you mean some living? Maybe Karen Gillan. Yea, definitely her, but only if she kept her accent. We don't exactly look alike, but I think she could pull me off brilliantly. 

Not living is fine too. Everyone should be played by Elizabeth Taylor. 

Thanks for answering my questions, Caitlin!  


  1. Great interview! I wish I could draw, then I'd have something else to do when I'm avoiding my revisions, too!

  2. A child of Iliad, LOTR and the Princess Bride? That sounds like a book I need to read!

  3. I'm with you on being impatient with revisions!

    Thanks again for coming to my blog, Sarah. Great interview!

  4. This is a wonderful interview!!

    A viking funeral? Now that's an epic way to go out of this world :) And the description of the book as the love child of those three books is priceless!

    Thanks for the smile!

  5. Gah! How did I miss this?

    thank you for the opportunity, I had such a blast answering your questions!


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