Saturday, July 2, 2011

Ancient Egyptian Quote of the Week

Man, I just can't  seem to get my blogging/writing act together lately. For that I am sorry, my dear readers. I continually sit down to write a post only to be constantly interrupted or unable to focus. There are a few different series of posts I have planned for the upcoming months (one of which might run indefinitely) which I hope will be intriguing and thought provoking.I will try to get some of that started next week. (fingers crossed) Until then, here's the quote of the week.

Today is my 9th anniversary. Nine years of marriage to the most wonderful man in the world. So, in honor of the occasion, here is an Ancient Egyptian love poem. I am quoting it from the book The Literature of Ancient Egypt, translation by Vincent A. Tobin.

Your love has merged completely with my body
As [... mingled] with water, 
As a drug to which resin has been added, 
As when milk is mixed with [water].

Make haste to see your beloved, 
Like a horse in the open field,
Like a falcon [diving down] to its reeds,

For heaven has bestowed its love
Like the course of an arrow [...],
Like the swiftness of a falcon.


  1. Beautiful poem! Thanks for sharing. And Happy Anniversary!

    Btw, I'm with you on having a hard time finding focus for writing and blogging. Must be the summer air. Have a fun weekend!

  2. That's wonderful - Happy Anniversary!

  3. Thanks, all!

    I'm really hoping it's just the summer. And the fact that this week I've been worn out with cleaning and rearranging my kids' rooms. Gotta fit the new baby in somewhere!

  4. life is what it is and we all get behind in our blogging. i hope our blogging friends understand that because if they don't, are they really our friends or just impatient readers? congrats on 9 years and thanks for sharing the poetry.

  5. Thanks for sharing this beautiful poem!

    Happy belated anniversary!


  6. Happy anniversary. The poem was perfect!


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