Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Awards and Challenges and Blogfests Oh My!

Today is for playing catch up! I've been so out of the blogging loop, just barely hanging on, during the month of September. But now it's October and I think I'm ready to get back into the game!

First things first, even when I dropped off the face of the blogosphere and didn't post for a while, I had a few blog awards come in. That really made my day, coming back and seeing that. Dawn Allen and Kadie Kinney passed the Versatile Blogger Award on to me. And Deniz Bevan gave me the Liebster Award. Thanks, ladies! It really means a lot to me that you enjoy my blog enough to pass an award on to me. (I have this weird feeling that someone else gave me an award too, but I can't for the life of me remember where it was from. If it was you, please remind me!) It's traditional to share seven things about yourself with the Versatile award, but instead I'm going to share this awesome video:

And I'm passing both awards on to everyone in my Fantasy Campaigner group, whose blogs I need to visit more often.

Amanda Leigh Cowley
Leann D. Baldwin
Christine Tyler
Michele Helene
Notes from the Jovian Frontier
Rachel Morgan
J. A. Bennett
Mel Flowler
Stephanie at Word by Word
Heather McCorkle
Roger Eschbacher
Rebecca Ryals Russell
Alberta Ross
Eileen Wiedbrauk
Liz of Home is Where the Cat Is
Andrew Leon
The Golden Eagle
Concrete Pieces of Soul
The Kelworth Files
Ninja Owl
Hektor Karl
A. B. England

The final round of the year for A Round of Words in 80 Days has started this week and I'm giving it another shot. I failed spectacularly last time and learned the truth behind the old saying "Ambition should be made of sterner stuff". I'm going to curb that ambition this time, while still setting myself a goal that will give me a challenge.

My goal is to write everyday. And I don't mean blog posts or challenges or worldbuilding notes or outlines. I mean that I need to write narrative for one of my WIPs everyday. I'm not setting a word goal, because my days are just too unpredictable for that. But if I can manage to first establish writing something everyday for 80 days then hopefully it will become a habit and I can start setting myself word count goals in the future.

That's my hard goal. My soft goal to go along with that is that I would like to complete a short story, have at least a basic outline for all of the stories in my Apotheosis Cycle and finish worldbuilding the lands of Palis and Akhet. But these goals will be the icing on the cake.

Anyway, wish me luck! I'll be trying to keep my blog actually updated as to my progress at least once a week this time.

And last bit of business: blogfest announcements!

Tomorrow is the monthly Insecure Writers Support Group hosted by the fantastic Alex Cavanaugh. I know a lot of us could use the encouragement.

This week the Rule of Three Blogfest finally kicks off. You can post your first story installment either Wednesday or Thursday. I'll be posting on Thursday due to the IWSG.

Sommer Leigh is holding a month long MonsterFest where you can sign up any day during October to write a post about any type of scary creature from stories. I'll be posting on the 24th about Apep, the serpent god of Egyptian mythology, and how I'm using him as the inspiration and source of the Big Bad in my fantasy world.

And I'm spent. Have a great blogging and writing week!


  1. You can do it! Write something every day.
    Looking forward to your post tomorrow. Thanks for the kind words - you rock!

  2. I have the same goal--write in the WIP everyday, even if it's not much. Forward progress is forward progress. And you're so right, if we get into that habit, it'll be easier to nail down word count goals. Good luck this round!

  3. First, let me say I think it's cool the way the words scroll in front of the wallpaper. But that's really beside the point.

    I just wanted to say, "I'm glad you joined Round 4 of ROW."

    All the best with your goal to write every day. Enjoy!


  4. Congratulations on the awards! And thank you so much for passing them on to me. :)

    Good luck with your goal!

  5. Thanks for the encouragement, all!

  6. You've got a lot on your plate - kudos! Good luck on the REN3 - I'm looking forward to reading a lot of great entries in the coming month. Hope you have fun with it! :-)

  7. Getting back into the daily writing habit is my main goal too. Good luck and I look forward to getting to know you in round 4 :)

  8. Wow, thanks so much for the awards! Good luck with ROW80, and Insecure Writer's group, (which I don't think I'll be posting for this month,) and GO Rule of three! I'll be seeing you in Renaissance!!

  9. I'm in the midst of playing catch up, too. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!

    Best wishes with ROW80, etc!


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